
Преимущество бронирования через наш сайт

  • Бесплатное продление номера до 3-х часов²
  • Бесплатный ранний заезд с 11:00²
  • Cкидка 10% на меню рестобара «SeaZone» ³
  • Бесплатные 30 минут бассейна в утренние часы ⁴
  • Скидка 5% на услуги проживания ⁵

² - при наличии возможности.

³ - на основное меню, кроме спецпредложений.

⁴ - ежедневно, кроме санитарных дней.

⁵ - кроме бронирований в «высокий сезон» (выходные и праздничные дни).

SPA (from latin “Sanitas pro Aqua”) means “health via water”. SPA helps you to become health and full of energy. Our SPA-center offers you Russian bath, a sauna and a hammam at your choice. We are waiting for you and your friends. Baths with friends are not only cheerfully, but it is also good for your health.

SPA № 1 are equipped with a sauna and a hammam, a large pool (11*3,5 m, with waterfall and hydro massage) and Jacuzzi for 8 people. Reserving VIP SPA you can book in foamy massage. There is a comfortable lounge room with media-system where you can relax and order different dishes and drinks from the hotel restaurant.

Price: 2000 rub/h, more than 6 people – extra 200 rub/a person.
Reserving SPA for 4 hours you get an extra gift hour.

You can enjoy a pool (10*3 m with waterfall and hydro massage), a sauna, a hammam and Jacuzzi for 4 people. There is a comfortable lounge room with media-system where you can relax and order different dishes and drinks from the hotel restaurant.

Price: 1800 rub/h, more than 6 people – extra 200 rub/a person.
Reserving SPA for 4 hours you get an extra gift hour.

Our hotel offers you classic Russian bath with besoms, dry steam and a cool pool with hydro massage. There is a comfortable lounge room where you can relax and order different dishes and drinks from the hotel restaurant.

Price: 1500 rub/h, more than 6 people – extra 200 rub/a person.
Reserving Russian bath for 4 hours you get an extra gift hour.